Crying Is The Worst Thing You Can Do.
Let me explain.
One of the worst things you can do in life is cry. Crying will certainly release adverse energy but will never solve a problem. Although most people perceive crying as shouting, screaming, tears, and weeping, crying also equates to complaining, blaming others, and even not taking accountability. Regardless, crying is the ultimate form of frustration and confusion.
However, crying has no action beyond tears, pain, and heartache, which is the primary reason it never solves anything and makes everything worse because of the low energy vibration. There is nothing wrong with crying; moreover, understanding the difference between “getting over something” and “getting through something “ is essential to life. Much of what we cry over will be frivolous by assessing anything using this concept or idea.
This message may be misinterpreted, but the point remains the same. To illustrate my perspective, “When is a time crying solved a problem for you?”