Getting book sales off Tinder.

Dedrick Conway
2 min readOct 26, 2021

A funny story. Yes, I digressed a lot.

I really appreciate all social media platforms to an extent. Because of how we can communicate with the whole world. Every social media has its own world, business, and type of media being uploaded on to it. But this article is about one called Tinder. Which is a dating app for people looking for love. Ok before I state why I’m using the app now I just want to say, “Who wouldn’t want to fall in love with me?” I’m tinder. Now let’s get back on this story.

First I’m black, educated, and I’m a writer more so an author. Black people don’t become or want to pursue and author career. For various reasons I won’t list. But I chose the hardest path possible and a road black men are scared to travel. They have told me, “books aren’t too popular.” But if you are that guy you can make them popular and your writing. Women love men who are different. It’s very rare you find a educated black man, who is a serial entrepreneur, a black man that’s gorgeous and an author. This ain’t me this is them. This what I’ve been told.

So now when I get on Tinder I promote my books and myself. It’s great. Women read more than men, they have more money than men, and they are smarter than men. So why not use Tinder? Why not get sales off looks? Why not get sales off being different? I mean I thought outside the box with this one. Lastly, most writers are ugly. Hahaha!



Dedrick Conway

Dedrick C. is a serial entrepreneur, indie author, ghostwriter, and artist expressing his perspectives through evocative literary artistry. Top writer in Art!