Humans Will Not Go Extinct. We Will Be Replaced.

The robots created by humans will dethrone our being.

Dedrick Conway


Photo by Chris Charles on Unsplash

Artificial Intelligence is emerging at a fascinating rate along with the technology itself. Ray Kurzweil, who is the director of engineering for Google, stated, “Technology has the capability of becoming smarter than humans.

Though this statement is concise and simple, it is blood-curdling. The thought of technology overtaking humans physically is a stretch honestly, technology is already winning the war. We can’t fathom life without technology because now AI is a necessity. I have concluded the end of human history will not be due to a meteorite, ice age, global warming, or aliens. It will be robots who I assume will enslave us and program us just as humans did. Those whore are lucky enough may be able to flee to Mars, Kepler 452b, or even to a Chthonian planet.

However, there will be someone in control of the robot’s regime unless they are already a robot or an alien. Lastly, they are among us. Be cautious.



Dedrick Conway

Dedrick C. is a serial writer, literary artist, ghostwriter, and businessman who expresses his perspectives through evocative artistry. Top writer in Art!