Language Mind Games

People don't know who the fuck they are talking to. A simple rant on how I love games of war. Especially language battles.

Dedrick Conway
1 min readMay 23, 2022


Photo by Cristofer Maximilian on Unsplash

Recently, I have had some incidents where I did not know whether it was a joke or serious and light-hearted. But As feels as though it was both. Though many unknowns, knowns, and barriers exist, language interpretation is essential. But though it can seem one-way, words can have an alternate meaning or expression depending on the context's person, subject, and nature.

In this case, this individual wanted or tried to make me feel defeated. But the only way an individual can achieve this is through mental warfare. As in make him lose his attitude, and the rest will follow. I had to reflect deeply. And I had to remind myself I play with words for a living. It's my lifestyle, livelihood, and blessing. People who understand will know what I'm saying, but my actions are also a language. So hopefully, the war that has begun ends gracefully. Not physically but with words connected to the silence of actions. Think twice.



Dedrick Conway

Dedrick C. is a serial entrepreneur, indie author, ghostwriter, and artist expressing his perspectives through evocative literary artistry. Top writer in Art!