Summary of Lyrical Ballads.

Art is the creative view of life.

Dedrick Conway


Lyrical Ballads is a collection of poems by William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge, first published in 1978 and generally constructed to have marked the beginning of the Romanticism movement in English literature. There were two-edition of 1800 that was in frequent conversation with Coleridge, that exemplified this new type of writing. His poems were considered to be “experiments” to determine how far the language of conversation in the middle and lower classes of society is adapted to the purposes of poetic pleasure. His preface implicitly denies the traditional assumption that poetic genres constitute a hierarchy, from epic, and tragedy at the top down through comedy, satire, pastoral, and short lyric at the lowest of the poetic scale, he also rejects traditional ways about what poems were written about.

We are Seven.

It is a conversation between an adult and a little girl about how many siblings she lives with her. The speaker finds out through their conversation that two of her siblings are dead. The speaker tries to explain to the little girl that she has four if two are dead. The speaker and little girl get into a heated discussion about how many siblings she has. The little girl ends the conversation that she has seven siblings and the ones that are deceased still count.



Dedrick Conway

Dedrick C. is a serial writer, literary artist, ghostwriter, and businessman who expresses his perspectives through evocative artistry. Top writer in Art!