Obstacles of higher education success among college freshman.

To the simplest form.

Dedrick Conway
2 min readSep 6, 2021


One problem I have identified is the success of first-year college students, whether in a two-year, four-year, or community college, simply because they are new to the school environment and the adult-like approach needed to have a good college semester. In the first semester, first-year college students don't know how to balance their time, especially if they have full-time or part-time jobs.

It's challenging for them to find time for both, which would put stress on the student or students. Because if their grades start to slip, they are focusing more on their job than school, but for them to provide for themselves, they need their job. This put them in a stressful situation and led to a pivotal decision to keep working, settle for lower grades, and stop working to make grades but find other ways to get money.

The second problem is many first-year students aren't prepared academically before they even get to college. They are discouraged because they have to take remedial classes to get into entry-level college classes and settle for schools that accept students with lower GPAs and test scores. Most go into a high school mindset that teachers and our administrators will help them each step, but once they see no one is there, they feel left out. And if…



Dedrick Conway

Dedrick C. is a serial entrepreneur, indie author, ghostwriter, and artist expressing his perspectives through evocative literary artistry. Top writer in Art!